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Seven Manifestations of the Sword of the Lord – Timmerle Kelly
1) The Sword of Division (Hebrews 4:12-13): The Sword of the Lord will pierce to our bone & marrow to divide that which must be divided so multiplication can come forth from His body. Nations are being raped by agreements made by men to satisfy their own greed & plans – watch the Sword of Division come! (South Sudan is such a nation)
2) The Sword of Alignment & Realignment (Matt. 6:10) is to empower us to go into battle. Things in our personal life that are not in alignment with the Word of God will meet this Sword; no time any more to delay; must move forward! Let Him align & realign us just as we will see Him do in the nations. He must position us – nothing is sacred – it is time to turn the world upside down! The effectiveness of this sword will determine your/our future!
3) The Sword of Justice (Duet. 32:36-41; Matt. 10:34 key scriptures this year). This is the sword of vengeance which belongs to the Lord. God will execute righteous judgment; it is not a time of peace but a sword!
4) The Flaming Sword (Gen. 3:24; Isa. 35:8) is used by God to seal off certain locations & situations from the enemy; the enemy can’t touch us here. It’s like being able to walk back to Eden! Jesus walked thru the crowds unharmed. We will be enabled to walk in difficult & unusual places unharmed! (John 8:59; Luke 4:28-30)
5) The Reflective Sword (Num. 22-Balaam & the donkey) is like a mirror. We will speak aloud what we see. The enemy will be seen in the reflection of the mirror of God’s sword & can’t hide.
6) The Sword of the King (1 Chron. 14:8-12) Our King takes authority & wins victory over our enemies; the enemy must flee! Deut. 3:21-22 – the Lord fights the battle for me! Warning: if you think you know how to wield this sword, you are under a religious spirit.
7) The Sword of the Living Word of the Lord (John 1:1, 14) Get the Word in you! The Word of God is the bread you eat that becomes a sword in your mouth (Num. 14:9; Matt. 4:4). We will need – love, truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation. All power & manifestation of the Word will be spoken by the Church. It is time to expand the Kingdom of God in the whole earth!